
Thursday, November 17, 2016


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Fats or lipids are nutrients which are part of our body and food. This nutritional group is composed of phospholipids, triglycerides and cholesterol. These latter two are the villains of the story but for the moment we only will be focused on talk about one of them, the cholesterol.

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Cholesterols can come from two routes. Exogenous cholesterol is present in any type of food and it is absorbed from the intestine into the blood. And the endogenous cholesterol is produced by cells in the body, mainly in the liver.


Fats are essential components for the body to perform the vital functions, so it is important to control the blood fat values. The problem happens when the amount of fats in the blood exceeds the amount of fat that your body needs. Although there are medications to reduce the cholesterol level, sometimes you just need to make some changes at home to keep everything in order.

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Possibly you have heard about good and bad cholesterols. Good cholesterol is lightweight cholesterol, transporting different components in blood to the liver, where they are destroyed. Instead, the bad cholesterol is heavier and is responsible for forming plaques in arteries that can cause heart attacks and precisely this is the cholesterol which must be kept under control.



A fundamental rule for lower cholesterol levels is reducing food portions, but not all food, only those harmful to your health.

                  WATCH WHAT YOU EAT: 

      As already mentioned, often, cholesterol excesses come because we eat more fat than the body needs, so it would be great if you start eating more fruits and vegetables daily, apples are ideal due to the amount of fiber they contain, it works as a sponge which absorbs in intestine all bad cholesterols and do not allow them to enter into your blood. Nuts are also a good choice because they are full of "good fats", so they will provide the energy that your body needs in a healthy way.

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                  TAKE SEA FISH: 

     At least twice a week, you should eat fish, mainly blue-skinned (like tuna), because they have more omegas-3 fatty acids. Carbohydrates such as rice, cereal or pasta must have been made of whole grains, due to the fiber that they content.

                 USE VEGETABLE OIL: 

     Olive oil, canola or sunflower oils are ideal for cooking when people suffer of high cholesterol in their blood. Also, you should eat avocado daily.

                USE OATMEAL: 

     A very effective trick is to soak a tablespoon of oatmeal in a cup of cold water overnight. The next morning drink the water, you have to do it on an empty stomach.

Blood cholesterol, what to do to lower cholesterol, foods that lower cholesterol , how to lower triglycerides , lower triglycerides , lowering cholesterol home remedy, home remedy, best way to lower cholesterol, foods that lower cholesterol, good cholesterol, how to lower cholesterol , cholesterol lowering foods


If we are giving the body more energy than necessary, then we have to use more energy. In that way the extra fat, instead of be stored, will be used. This is the basic principle that supports the exercise as a surefire way to lower cholesterol. Also, it will help you to lose weight. Obese people have unnecessary and extra deposits of fat; the idea is to eliminate them and, to achieve this, make exercises is a great option.

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